July 23, 2024 A Religious and Political Commentary

You’re Fired!

May 8, 2019

May 8, 2019

In my 50 years, I’d never been fired. I have come awfully close, but my never-been-fired streak remained intact. Until...

Create or Consume

April 25, 2019

April 25, 2019

“In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth…God saw all that he had made, and it was very...

Elections Matter – ALL of Them

April 11, 2019

April 11, 2019

Once upon a time, in a faraway land, there were four trees.  These trees were looking for a king.  So...

Work Brings Reward

March 29, 2019

March 29, 2019

“It will never be known what acts of cowardice have been motivated by the fear of not looking sufficiently progressive.”~...

Willing Accomplices

March 13, 2019

March 13, 2019

“No man can struggle with advantage against the spirit of his age and country, and however powerful a man may...

The Golden Rule

March 1, 2019

March 1, 2019

Of Jesus’ many famous sayings, perhaps the most well-known is one we call the Golden Rule. He spoke it toward...

Do Not Judge

February 13, 2019

February 13, 2019

On the whole, I find life and people funny. If you’re a regular reader of my missives, you’ll know that...

Jumping to Conclusions

January 23, 2019

January 23, 2019

By now you have seen, ad nauseam, video of the “Covington Catholic Kids” and Nathan Phillips in a confrontation at...

The Fight for Life

January 17, 2019

January 17, 2019

President Bill Clinton said to the Democratic National Convention in 1996, said: “Abortion should not only be safe and legal,...

Here’s a handy guide to being ‘woke’ in 2019

January 3, 2019

January 3, 2019

Society is evolving and the changes seem to come at breakneck pace. If you’re anything like me, you’re probably having...