October 21, 2024 A Religious and Political Commentary

Obituary for 2020

The year 2020 breathed its last, COVID-infected breath on December 31 at 11:59 p.m. Although it was only one year old, many believed 2020 lasted much longer than twelve months.

2020, known early on as “Baby New Year,” was born on January 1. As the ball dropped in New York’s Times Square, the world anticipated the year and all that it promised. The excitement of the new year did not last long.

It began with trouble in Iran. Then, on the fifteenth day of the year, articles of impeachment were delivered to the House of Representatives. The Novel Corona Virus, or COVID 19, made its first appearance in the US five short days later.

In March we began to learn fun new terms like “lockdown,” “shelter-in-place,” “flattening the curve,” “pandemic,” and “social distancing.” We learned the difference between PPE and PPP. We were taught the difference between essential and non-essential workers.

It’s not fair to judge the year only in terms of the pandemic for which it will always be remembered. It was much more diverse than that.

2020 came with multiple natural disasters, huge forest fires, terrorism, racial unrest, violence on the streets, talk of a giant meteor hurtling to the earth, a contested election…and even murder hornets.

When asked her thoughts on the year, one lady responded, “If 2020 were a movie, it would definitely be a horror movie. But at least it motivated me to put up my Christmas decorations early.”

Her husband added: “I am going to the funeral, but not to pay my respects. I’m going to make sure the year is really dead!”

A requiem for 2020 will be held, but not many are expected to attend. When asked about this, the pastor responded: “It’s difficult preaching the funeral of such an unpopular year…there’s not much good to say about it – other than it’s over. But therein lies the hope…“Because of the Lord’s great love we are not consumed, for his compassions never fail. They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness. I say to myself, “The Lord is my portion; therefore I will wait for him.”” (Lamentations 3:22–24).

And so, at perhaps the first time in human history, the whole world can agree on one thing: Out with the old and in with the new! Happy New Year!


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